Sunday, August 4, 2013

The mad dash home...

Our last morning at our wonderful cabin on the Fall River was melancholy. We did not want to leave (in fact, some of us did not want to get out of bed) but certainly missed home and the dog. 

Our cabin and deck, as seen from a rock in the river...

Delaying our journey home...

Last look at cabin #1
As we pulled away Jacob said "well, here goes 28 hours of driving."  Shelly and I began to talk and do the math and decided that we could change our plans... We had planned on 3 days of 9-10 hours of driving a day.  A family vote of 4-1 then was taken (Emma likes staying in different hotel rooms) and we began our epic journey home.

We used a McDonald's Wifi to cancel our hotel reservations instantly became homeless (sort of)... Malcolm was up for sleeping in the van... 

First stop was state #45...
Of course, I had set the camera up wrong so we missed the Nebraska picture and had to turn back to Colorado again...

It counts as a state if we only spent five minutes there right?

We spent nearly the entire day trying to get to the interstate going through Nebraska farm country...

Around seven (we lost an hour in there somewhere) we made it to Iowa and the location of our original stop

Here it is!  State number 48!
We ended up is Missouri for nearly a half hour since the closest exit was about 12 miles from the border.
Our day ended at 11:30pm in a odd loft room at a hotel just west of Des Moines.
 One more day of travel... we were on the road by 7:45am. 

I almost missed the NYS sign...

We arrived home at 12:23am on Sunday.
 What we gained was a entire Sunday to sleep in, de-green the pool and do laundry. Yea!