Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No worries...

Malcolm thinks the trip will be "boring" but Emma is looking forward to seeing California. Shelly keeps punching me. Violence is not the answer.

4 1/2 days till departure.


  1. Just wait until you're in McWump, Wyoming, the fuel light comes on because you refused to fill up at the last town (78 miles back) saying, "Oh, there's one station in McWump. We can make it to that," only to find that one gas station closed and the next town 67 miles away. THEN you'll know what being punched is like.

    Two important rules of the road: When you encounter a toilet, use it! When you have a quarter of a tank and you pass a gas station, fill it up!

  2. Sound advice from one who would know something about punching...
