Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Coup D'etat - July 17th

The Chank children have decided to stage an uprising against our authority.  The long day in New Orleans made them long for the lazy days of summer.  

Like these crabs, the children have decided to retreat into their "hole" for the day...

The weather was hot (high temperature reached 95 degrees) but the birds did not mind...

Those are Biloxi casinos in the background...

The only shells that we have been able to find have been "occupied," so to speak...

Our road is only about 30% "recovered".  Most lots remain empty and many still have the remains of the previous structures still standing...
Like the houses, only a few of the piers have been restored...

Two of the three conspirators...
They even made us make them bacon and pancakes for lunch... Oh, the humanity...

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