Monday, July 16, 2012

NOLA - July 16th

The "Big Easy" was a big challenge for the Chank children.  Apparently, it was "too hot", "too long" and "too much walking"...
Walking in the French Quarter...
Looking for "junk" we don't need...

Did I mention that it was warm?
Statue of Andrew Jackson in front of the oldest Catholic Cathedral in the US.
Ahhhh, Bourbon St in the daytime... (still a bit dicey)

Doesn't everyone look happy?
Emma sporting the new alligator pin...
Time for our four hour "city" tour of New Orleans...
Started back in the French Quarter...
We had already eaten our fill of beignets earlier in the day.  They were delicious...
90% of people in New Orleans are "buried" above ground.  So they don't "pop" back up in the midst of a flood.
Wealthy families on the right, middle class to the left...
Possible relation?
The couple on the left were the other members of our tour and hail from Quebec and speak only French.
Back in the van...
Guess who thought this was the best part of the day?
Part of the tour was a city estate guided tour...
Our guide was a retired secretary from Naval Intelligence....
The estate is called Longue Vue and the gardens were breathtaking...
The house and it's former occupants were a fascinating story...
Visualize water trickling from the top and ending up in the swirling current at the bottom
Pictures were forbidden inside the mansion...
Downstairs center hallway. 22,000 square feet home....
A street car that we did not ride....
Anne Rice's estate before she "found Jesus", sold the house and moved to La Jolla, CA.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (aka, the house across the street from Sandra Bullock's house)
Of course, this is the Superdome where Michigan won the Sugar Bowl!!!
T'was a long tour but worth every penny...

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