Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mammoth Caves, Kentucky - July 12th

Mammoth Cave National Park was well worth the visit.  

Mammoth Cave National Park

Historic Entrance (Shelly is telling me at this moment of a juice box incident in the backpack)

We think the bees liked the juice box incident...

We did the Grand Avenue tour, which was labeled as "strenuous and difficult" but Shelly had no problems with the four miles. 

Took a short bus ride to the entrance.  Then descended many, many stairs into the abyss!
It was a "Four Hour Tour" and we were able to see some amazing stuff. 

Ranger Dave led the way...

The cave system runs for 392 miles (he said it is still being explored, and created), so Malcolm would like to return to explore the rest (preferably without the Rangers telling him he can't climb on the rocks)...

Watch your head!

Lunch 400 feet below the surface and one mile from the nearest entrance...
Called the Grand Canyon because of the "switch-back" trails down and then up...
Tremendous feats of strength were displayed...
Frozen Niagara Falls

Don't drink the water....

Cave crickets!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Safe travels and have fun. What's your next stop?
