Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Normalcy (with lightening) - July 18th

Day two of the "strike" has the children still wanted to do next to nothing while Shelly and I try to do everything...

Great lightening from last night.  The storms went through quickly but the lightening remained over the Gulf for hours.

This morning dawned bright and sunny and a big new friend arrived...
 Other new friends arrived as well... 

This guy made it all the way to our second floor porch...
Do you see the dolphin in this picture?  (left side above the bird)
How about now???
There were two and they were traveling together....  very cool and only about 20 feet off shore.
Shelly almost slept through the dolphin sighting.  Have I mentioned that this is her favorite spot?
Rain, rain...
Other new friends from next door...

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