Monday, July 22, 2013

Glacier National Park does have some cell service!

I am excited to say that figured out how to post using my cell phone! I know, amazing right?
We have successfully traversed the Going to the Sun road and saw snow and Glaciers. The road was not even fully open until about 3 weeks ago.
I will post pictures of what we saw later since I can't figure out how to attach them using this phone. Meanwhile, we are preparing for whitewater rafting!


  1. Snow !in July ---- cool. No cell service in Keene Valley but the wireless connection is faster than dial up!! Say hi to all. Watch for bears

  2. Jacob posted a pic on my FB wall yesterday of the SNOW and it made my day! Its got to be way cool to see (and be able to touch) SNOW in July. Have fun rafting! The water should be chilly with the SNOW run-off ... this past weekend, after the heat wave, the lake temp was as warm as your pool!

  3. Today was even more amazing. We actually walked through several snow fields on one of our hikes. Way cool!
