Friday, July 26, 2013

Did we really get lost?

The end of today's story is that we made it to state #44 (Oregon)! However, there was a bit more to it... 

We began the day in state #43 and it seemed a simple proposition...

The sign was tricky for Shelly since she was looking in the complete opposite direction. This is a really good panic shot!

Ok, so far so good... 

Looks like an easy day...
 Well, at this point, our GPS did not agree with the route that AAA thought was best... GPS decided that a shortcut was better... so follow her directions we did... 

Don't like the sound of that...

Don't like the looks of that!!!
It was at this point that we decided that it would be prudent to ignore GPS's directions to drive up someone's driveway (very true) and continue through their backyard.  

Over GPS's repeated admonishments (her line of "recalculating" grew more sarcastic with each mile), we back-tracked and eventually broke her down (she continued for 15 minutes to try to get us to turn around!). 

Our destination (30 minutes late) was Mt. St. Helens... 
Alright, line up! You know the drill!
It was an awesome sight...
Just before the bug attack!
Jacob bravely reacting to the mammoth insect...

Can you see the "family truckster" in this picture?
The ranger was very good!
We are remembered wherever we go!!!
 Next on the itinerary was a hike into the devastated valley... 

After learning about what a hummock was...

The wildflowers were great!

Emma would later say that this was her favorite (actually completely not true).

Shelly enjoyed watching Malcolm scream when he saw a snake!

Who invited that guy?

Loved the breezes!
 Next stop: Portland, Oregon and dinner with Jackson, Megan and Nicholas!

Dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory!

Shelly worked extra hard all evening to win Jackson over!
She even shared rainbow sherbert with him!

All was going so well!

The children were on their best behavior (really)!
And then, she got greedy...

Shelly said that I do that too when she kisses me...
 We had a wonderful meal together and shared a lot of funny family stories.  And... we quickly realized that we need to get together again soon!  

The dream of the 90's is alive in Portland!


  1. Point of disclosure... GPS speaks in a female voice with an Australian accent...

  2. Nice family pictures!! Jackson's hair looks as goood as Malcolm's (or is it visa versa?). Greetings from the Northville library!

  3. Did you guys stop and pay homage (at the memorial - LOL) to me and Bike Mike who rode the Mt St Helens access rode, self-supported, all 96 BLAST ZONE (i.e. no shade) miles a few Summers ago?! :) I hope you saw the moive!
