Monday, July 19, 2010

4 Corners Monument - CLOSED

Crushing news on the tourism front. We will replace that one with a trip through Monument Valley to the Valley of the Gods. Sounds like a good replacement.


  1. How crushing that there is no more 4 corners -- did they round off the ends and make a 'twilight zone area?

    Not to worry we can scan in aunt suells picture from the 60s and photoshop emma into the picture.

    It was atreat to find so many updated pictures so early in the day.

    Your running commentary of sibling interactions sounds just like when I am picking all three up at school!!!

  2. Gosh! What a downer to miss out on the rare opportunity to stretch your children's limbs across state lines (and stretch your own back out after all the driving!). I sure hope you found out about the 4 corners closure BEFORE you drove all the way out there. Yikes!

    Plan B sounds interesting ... can't wait for photos. Speaking of photos, I compared a group shot of Shelly and your offspring from yesterday (Grand Canyon) with one from a week of so ago (Yellowstone), and all expressions (though smiling!) show the wear and tear of the trip.

    Hang in there ... and enjoy it to the end ... you're (kinda) almost home. Stay safe - Love, me

  3. That picture was added as part of the joke. Moments of terror mixed in with the fun. No videogames for 21 hours has it's impact.
