Thursday, July 15, 2010


One of the prerequisites for the cross country trip was a trip down the Pacific Coast Highway. What was listed by AAA as a 7 hour and 31 minute drive ended up just short of 12 hours (8:45 am until 8:30 pm). Shelly and I agree that it was worth every minute (though she might pick a few different minutes to dispute - was only punched 3 times all day!).

The first couple of pictures are of vistas around Big Sur. The PCH (also known as US1) is extremely curvy from Big Sur south for about 40 miles.

We did get stuck in our new #1 traffic jam (it was unfortunately only about 10 minutes but it was really nice place to stop).

Shelly and I both agree that this would be the perfect place to live (spent the day wishing we were millionaires) or retire. We actually wrote down a couple of beach / cliff side motels that look like they could charge $1000 per night for the views alone. Maybe without the kids.

One spectacular sight was seeing 4 dolphins swimming near shore. We took a ton of pictures (all, unfortunately, in the black and white mode). It actually was impressive enough to pull the kids away from their Clone Wars videos (yes we finally finished the entire Avatar series).

This was the cove the dolphins were found in.

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