Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Day's Ledger...

One lost hubcap...

One National Forest...

Three National Monuments...

One great steak dinner (which included Bison Sirlion!)...

One new job offer (while on the side of a Wyoming road)...
(I accepted the position of temporary Fine Arts House Principal at Schenectady High School)!!!


  1. Wooooooo! For everything. Just woooooo!

    Okay, perhaps no wooooo for the lost hub cap. But definitely woooooo! for everything else.

  2. Impressive you guys got all 3 monuments in to your day in SD & WY (so, was Crazy Horse worth the trip?). I know your next stop (for 2 nights in a row, even) is Yellowstone and that is guaranteed to be fantastic (though Old Faithful isn't as faithful as it used to be!). Say hello to the roaming Buffalo for me ... and keep them away from the car. Buffalo contact could trump a lost hubcap in a split second! :-O Safe travels ... love you guys! (Supposed to be 104 today in NYC! Am envious of your cool locale!)

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Boss!)
    Just checking out your schedule -very ambitious!

  4. Congrats!!!!! LOL on the Griswold scene!
