Monday, July 19, 2010

Grand Canyon Death March

Our first order of the day was a "walk" down the Bright Angel Trail. We hiked to the 1.5 mile rest house and then turned back. Temperatures on the rim were in the upper 70's while the temperature at the "bottom" (as defined by us) was near 100 degrees. Quite a walk.

This was near the start.

Mule trains make the trail a little tricky more so after they have gone through (if you know what I mean).

The second tunnel (aka the half way point).

View from below the rim.

There is our destination! We were almost out of water (much poured on Emma's head). The only problem?

We have to go back up. Total round trip was 3 miles in about 3 hours. Emma did the whole thing all by herself!

1 comment:

  1. You guys rock (literally, ha ha)! I have to admit, when I saw the two shots you posted the other day with the Grand Canyon in the distance, I thought "did they just do a drive by?!?!?!" ... and I was thrilled to see all the photos you shared in the latest postings. WAY COOL (literally, with temps to greet you in the 70s!) that you had a day of hiking, and a day of bus touring. Seems a very good way to see the canyon if a helicopter tour isn't in your plans.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture with all 5 of you on different parts of the Grand Canyon sign. Money shot! :) Have a good week ... its in the 90s in NYC again (ha ha - - its week 3 of the heat wave) and I'm wishing I was on a week vacation in an air conditioned van. Ride on Chanks! :)

    Love, Aunt Shell
