Thursday, July 15, 2010

Emma Gets Her Sand...

We stopped several places along the way during our long drive but only at the last stop, in the Santa Monica Mountains did we find an accessible sand beach. The kids loved it ever though the stiff breeze from the ocean was pretty chilly.

We didn't get to this beach until about 7:30 PDT. The sunset was killer, wish we could have stayed for the whole show.

By the end all three of the video game zombies had been tossed by the surf... Tough break for them that we had no towels. Jacob loved having to change his soaked, sandy clothes on the side of the road as his mother held up a blanket for "privacy".

Possibly the most interesting part of the beach were the Kingfishers that were feeding off shore. There were about 8 of them circling around until they found something of interest when they would dive into the water... Don't see that much in Rotterdam.

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