Friday, July 16, 2010

The "More Than Halfway" Data Breakdown

Wednesday (2 Days ago) marked the half way point of our epic cross country journey with each of us longing at least a little bit for home (some because of the lack of underwear and the others for their own reasons):

Total Miles Traveled: 4,609

Total Time in the Car: 83 hours, 38 minutes (many of which in LA bumper to bumper)

Average Speed: 55.1 (thanks LA)

Highest Price for Gasoline: $3.38 (in Oxnard, California - was fooled by a "cash only" price, grrrrr)

Lost hubcap(s): still 1

Best Meal So Far:
  • Me: The Crab and Tomato on grilled sourdough bread at Nick's Seafood in Pacifica, California
  • Shelly: (tie) The BBQ Grilled Chicken Sandwich at the Wawona Hotel in Yosemite Valley, California / The spinach and cheese ravioli at Kathleen's in Pasadena, California
  • Jacob: The Fish and Chips Dinner at Nick's Seafood in Pacifica, California
  • Malcolm: The Chocolate Chip Pancakes for dinner at Denny's in Santa Nella, California
  • Emma: Spaghetti and meatballs at Wild West Pizza in West Yellowstone, Wyoming

Total Time to Get from LA hotel to Santa Monica Pier leaving at 9:50am (27.1 miles): 58 minutes

Number of Days We Played the "Who is the Best Kid of the Day?" game? 2 (discontinued due to the number of arguments it caused over who was the best or who was winning, or why some one's behavior should put them behind)

Number of Times Emma was the "Best Kid of the Day"?: 2 (duh!)

Number of missing state license plates? 1 (still Hawaii) / we will start the game over tomorrow as we begin our trek West toward home

The Point Farthest From Home: The Shark Tank at the Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, California

Favorite Site Visited So Far:

  • Me: the view from Glacier Point in Yosemite
  • Shelly: (tie) the area around our hotel in Pacifica, California / driving the Pacific Coast Highway and dreaming of where we could live...
  • Jacob: the huge tanks at the Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, California
  • Malcolm: visiting Mount Rushmore
  • Emma: the sandy beach below the Santa Monica Mountains on the PCH

Number of Pictures Taken: 2,993 (not including Jacob's, Malcolm's or Emma's cameras)

Number of times in Pacific Ocean: 4

Number of times in Pacific Ocean that required a change of clothing: 4

Coolness Ratios:

  • Driving the PCH - 10 out of 10
  • Seeing Hammerhead Sharks at Aquarium of the Pacific - 8 out of 10
  • Touching manta rays at Aquarium of the Pacific - 9 out of 10
  • Driving in LA traffic - 3 out of 10
  • Getting across 5 lanes of bumper to bumper traffic in 2 tenths of a mile to make the exit while Shelly kept saying "put your blinker on" - 9 out of 10 (if you let them know what you want to do they won't let you in... especially with NYS plates)
  • "Getting out of LA" ("Shelly only" category which required significant explaining) - 8 out of 10 (she thinks... she hates the traffic)
  • Finding Parking Garages at museums and aquarium with 8 foot clearances - 9 out of 10
  • Driving through Beverly Hills to look at "rich people houses" - 4 out of 10 (too depressing, related better to the people working on landscaping - who were the only people we saw)


  1. Would you believe I was just gonna post a shout out to ask for statistics ... and here they be! :) Very well done ... though I notice you left off number of speeding tickets this time. :-P I'll assume your average going down is a good thing on the speeding ticket front. (Yes, its the big sister in me ... annoying?! Yeah, well!!!) I continue to be massively impressed at all you have seen, and how well your trip planning served you on this journey!

    You ought to have a bunch of free Holiday Inn nights when the cross country tour is done. Of course, you probably won't want to leave your house for a long while after this trip!

    I'm so glad you're headed eastward ... and that you're restarting the license plate game ... good luck, travel safe, and keep your eyes peeled for Stuckey's roadside shops!

    Love, Aunt Shell

  2. Forgot to ask how many states you have passed through on this trip, so far! Counting NY, where you started ... how many have you hit?!

    BTW - Stuckey's are only found in the south south-eastern part of the country ... from west to east, keep your eyes peeled for a Stuckey’s in: NM, TX, AR / LA, MS, AL, TN, NC and VA.

    Have a great weekend (it is the weekend, btw, I know it can be hard to keep track where you're on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N) all! Love, Aunt Shell

  3. When you hear the (oh so familiar) ding-ding for another day of wedded bliss ... you have my CONGRATULATIONS on your Sweet 16! :) I can think of no better place for you guys to be than on vacation as a family to celebrate! Enjoy the day - I love and miss you guys! Love, Me

  4. Thanks. We had a nice day in Vegas.
