Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Getting there is most of the "fun"

Time in the van can be a mundane exercise or a highly terrifying, emotion scarring experience. As previously mentioned, the computer is the children's (nearly) constant companion. Any effort by Shelly to interrupt AVATAR!!! is met with the loudest, most cringe inducing cries imaginable. Emma has taken to saying "MOTHER, put Avatar back on right now!"

Yesterday's journey took us over the Bighorn Mountains and through the Bighorn National Forest. The transition from gorgeous wooded vista to desolate flat prairie was frequently a matter of minutes.

One part of today's drive took us on a 65 mph 40 mile straight line 2 lane road through several Wyoming towns labeled with populations of 105 or 142. One stop was made at an IGA for candy and fresh fruit (no beer anywhere in the store - outrageous). A side note on beer: Shelly had a great IPA Ranger tonight and the Moose Drool I had last night was very tasty indeed.


  1. Moose Drool??? (I like the sound of it) PS I am not mentioning your trip or blog to Jessica for fear of the inevitable (and perhaps valid)"Why aren't we doing anything exciting or interesting this summer as a family?"
