Tuesday, July 13, 2010

San Fran Day #2

Misadventures galore. Parking is so much fun with the carrier on the roof (we were limited to the surface lots which seemed much more pricey). There seems to be something going on around every corner (though most involves shopping). The chocolate shop was fun and the sea lions were quite entertaining. The bridge remained fogged in for the entire time we were there. The topper was the fact that since I had not purchased Alcatraz tickets in advance (poor planning Daddy!) we were unable to visit the iconic location (maybe the next three week cross country trip in the van with the carrier on top and the three kids stuffed in the back). The Pacifica Holiday Inn Express was the best though...


  1. I'm relieved to know that all of you survived the great National Park. You probably needed the break that you got from the hole in your schedule created by the Alcatraz blip.

  2. I'm just getting the swing of entering the comments into the blog. I get so much information and pictures now. Why don't you consider keeping up the blog (under anew more appropriate name of course) after you get back!

    Lookinforward to your next post (and your return). Tell Jacob I got book 2 of the Star Wars trilogo from the library (in hardcover!!) this evening.
