Saturday, July 10, 2010


"All the way to Reno,
You've written your own directions,
And whistled the rules of change."
- Michael Stipe (REM)
"All the way to Reno"

Reno is a shock to the system. It is the largest city we have seen since Chicago and is significantly "louder" (but not really in an audible way). The hotel we are staying in has a pretty big casino attached (knew that), security guards roaming the parking lot (didn't know that) and is probably the oldest property we have stayed in so far (guessed that from the price of the room).

The journey to this place was an adeventure in itself. Craters of the Moon (Idaho) is considered the "strangest 76 square miles on the North American continent". It is volcanic in nature and allows you to walk into several dormant spatter cones and to see very cool (thankfully) lava flows that stretch for miles and miles. As "cool" as it was, it was a sparse 45 minutes of our ultimate 13 hour day in the car.

We left West Yellowstone, Montana at 8:00 MDT and arrived in Reno at 8:15 PDT. Ick. Many, many miles on 2 lane highways in Idaho and Nevada. Only once we made it to I-80 did the curse of the "orange signs" finally lift. Roadwork on a western two lane highway involves one way traffic, street lights or poor people who have to stand and hold a stop/slow sign in the 95 degree heat all day. We hit about 6 of these during our trip (thankfully the longest wait was only about 15 minutes and had some great scenery to look at).

Another unique aspect of the day was watching thunderstorms develop from miles away over the dry Nevada landscape. At one point the van was buffeted with 40 - 50 mph winds as a storm veered close (not much rain but wind and lightning). Near Lovelock, Nevada there was a large storm that kicked up such a huge amount of dust that it resembled a sand storm that partially obliterated the sun.

All this excitement led us to our arrival in "the biggest little city in America". As we unpacked and Shelly gathered clothing from the five large duffel bags each of us have, we were approached by two homeless (?) people exclaiming their bad luck and requesting our assistance with their "predicament". Awesome fun after 13 hours in the car and a very cranky Jacob to deal with.

Arrive we did and leave we will soon...


  1. I have a confession to make. When I woke up this morning, and you hadn't made a blog posting last night, I was a bit worried. Pulled up your itinery file and, yes, called the Reno hotel to be sure you guys had checked in. (It's the neurotic big sister in me ... and genetic!) I was relieved to hear the Chank's were present and acocunted for, as I knew you'd have had one of the longest driving days (13 hours - oh my!). But ... I also hoped you'd been to Craters, which from the pictures looks like a really cool, yet utterly random, way point. Way Cool! :) You're doing an awesome job "sharing" the adventure ... and I'm very impressed you guys will have made it completely across country in less than a week! My memories mirror so many of your observations ... and I smirk at your weather related references, knowing your deep love of meteorology (I used to park outside the city lights of Bloomington, IL when I worked there to watch the storms roll in - - its a very different perspective than from upstate NY). I'm on the train home from NYC ... it's below 80 here (finally) and all is well. Love, Aunt Shell

    P.S. Where will you be for the World Cup final tomorrow? 2:30pm ET is 11:30am PT - - not sure I saw that game in your itinerary file. :

  2. Lovely pictue of 4 of five of you in the Van!


    KEEP THE FAITH JACOB, You will be home before you know it

    KEEP YOUR COOL MALCOLM, two weeks sitting next to Emma is something I would give any thing for!

    KEEP THE FOOD COMING MOM, they all need energy (yeah!)

    KEEP DRIVING DAD! Three hubcaps on my wagon, and I'm still rolling along!
