Monday, July 5, 2010

Off to "Rapid" City

Still charging the Crackberry, camera, camcorder, GPS, PSP, and DS at the moment (all of which are essential for today's trip). I feel that the destination is cruelly nothing like the journey it will take to get there.

Yesterday, Shelly and I were ruminating about our car trips of the past and how different it is for today's youth. As the miles hurtled by, everything interesting to note was completely missed by our youth in the back of the van. For (selfish) sanity purposes they each have about 4 different electronic means of distraction. Thus we parental units are reduced to frantic arm gestures and the snaping of fingers to hopefully get their attention. As you can see in the picture, they each have their own headphones (amusing, yes, when Emma yells out her requests) which render them comatose to all other external stimuli.

"Hey look at the combine in that big field!" "Hey, look at the tall skyscraper, that is the one we were going to go to the top of!" "Hey, do we have Alabama's license plate yet?" (All met with silence). "Anybody want to know what a combine does???"

On a side note, we are doing quite well with the license plate game (I found Washington D.C. yesterday outside Toledo). Hawaii and Delaware promise to be the toughest still to capture. We only have about 10 left to get and we hit Mount Rushmore tomorrow.


  1. Hi Guys! Its Monday morning and I'm (Aunt Shell) visiting with Great Grandma & Grandpa on my way east. We just reviewed the blog, and LOVE hearing what you're up to. Great Grandpa wonders if ur medicating those children, as they do look slightly comatose in the picture! :) Travel safe, watch the speedometer (Great Grandpa, again!) and please stop taking pictures while driving (I'm sure its illegal in some of the states ur passing thru). Love you guys!

  2. When you're at Mount Rushmore, don't forget to explain its significance in North by Northwest. Perhaps you could precede the experience by showing the movie? I'm sure Emma would love it.

    Erin says that she enjoyed playing on the rocks at Devil's Tower, and that we bought Tim a stuffed prairie dog at the gift shop, so she suggests you do the same. Just a suggestion.

    I do have a vivid image in my head of 9-year-old Erin and 4-year-old Tim scrambling furiously up the rocks at Devil's Tower . . .

    Btw, did I mention how very happy this blog makes me? Yes, I think I did. Tell Shelly hi, too. (Don't get exhausted!)

  3. North by Northwest has a scene in a corn field. Shelly is now obsessed with corn since we have spent many, many hours among them. Maybe Children of the Corn would be appropriate...
