Saturday, July 10, 2010

Latest Data Breakdown

*** Please note, the meltdown section has been eliminated due to it being controversial and for the fact that I have simply lost count...

Total Miles Traveled: 3,550 miles

Total Number of Miles traveled yesterday: 763.4 miles
Total Time "Together" in the Van: 58 hours 21 minutes

Average Speed: 60.8 mph

Total in Tolls: $45.10 ($6 for Golden Gate bridge)

Total in Gasoline: still unknown (but lowest price paid is still Highbridge Road, highest price paid was $3.23 in Lovelock, Nevada)

Total lost hubcaps: still 1 (even through Reno!)

Best restaurant meal so far:
  • Me - Sitting Bull Pizza (Genoa Salami, pepperoni, Italian sausage, Canadian bacon) at Wild West Pizza in West Yellowstone
  • Shelly - steak and potato at Holiday Inn West Yellowstone
  • Jacob - bison burger at Holiday Inn West Yellowstone
  • Malcolm - Hungry Bear Breakfast at Running Bear Pancake House, West Yellowstone
  • Emma - spaghetti and meatballs at Wild West Pizza in West Yellowstone
Least Favorite meal:
5 way tie - every time we skip a meal to eat granola bars and chips in the van

Total time spent in Reno: 11 hours 45 minutes

Number of Hours of Avatar: The Last Airbender viewed: all except 1 episode
Number of State License Plates found: 49 (only missing Hawaii), also found 5 Canadian provinces and a set of diplomatic plates) / Shelly would like it known that she discovered Delaware at 1:34 pm PDT (picture included below)

Number of Volcanic rocks "borrowed" from roadside : 1

Number of meltdowns when Avatar was shut off or paused to view significant object outside: every time

Speeding tickets: 0

Total number of pictures taken (as of 5:05 PDT): 1,458

Time to go from 8,000 feet elevation to 1,000 feet in California: 55 minutes

Coolness ratios:
  • Passing the continental divide three times - 6 out of 10
  • seeing thunderstorms across the Nevada landscape - 7 out of 10
  • Experiencing Reno - 3 out of 10
  • Deciding back in February that a drive from Yellowstone to Reno with a stop at Craters of the Moon was "doable" - 4 out of 10
  • Getting to San Fransisco before 12:00pm today - 8 out of 10
  • 75 mph on Interstate 80 through Nevada - 7 out of 10
  • Putting feet into Pacific Ocean for 1st time - 10 out of 10
  • View from hotel window - 11 out of 10


  1. Thanks for the update.

    My favorite meal in Yellowstone was meatloaf and mashed potatoes at the Lake Lodge Cafeteria. This was after being in the park all day. It was great.

    Who is the leading candidate to be left behind?

    Who is the leading candidate to be John Coulter? Chris you should know his story. I wanted to "pull a Coulter" after my visit to Yellowstone and Alaska.

    The Boss left us today if you did not know.

    Cool trip.

    Do not critique my writing as the teacher you are. I grew up with a Mom that always had a red pen ready to go.


  2. Love the comments. The food has been one of the best parts. I am always trying to keep it local to experience life out here. Malcolm keeps trying to get me to go to McDonalds.
