Saturday, July 10, 2010


Very cool to finally make it across the country. Feet in the Pacific Ocean is surreal. We are in Pacifica, California and the beach is warm, black sand (helpful since the outdoor temperature is in the low 60s with a stiff breeze and the water isn't much warmer). This is officially Shelly's favorite hotel room...


  1. Hey Jacob - - Your face in the last picture tells me how COLD the Pacific is! Super glad to see you, and your siblings, being brave and getting in (to your knees anyway).

    Hey Malcolm - - Is there actually a bridge in all that fog? I've been to San Francisco several times, and the fog is usually there. Your shirt looks the most wet in the pictures - you usually are the first one in water, I know!

    Hey Emma - - You look like you're having a blast! I can't wait to see your pictures (Daddy's update says he's taken well over a thousand ... I'll bet you've taken a lot too!)

    Chris & Shelly - - Enjoy every minute in Cali-forn-i-a ... it has so much to offer, and is one of my favorite states to explore, with my Cali friends. Oh, and don't forgot to call Uncle Larry to trade up the Griswold-mobile for a car from his collection! Happy trails - Love, Me

  2. Stay cool in California -- 80s and 90s in NY and at lake.

    I need to catch up on the blog from Thurs PM to Sunday PM to see all of your exploits. Can't wait for the 1000s of pictures.

    Jacob I should have borrowed all 3 star wars books, finished the first one already!

    I want to see Malcolm and Emma in 4 states soon!

    Love, Grandpa
    I miss you all!

  3. I remember seeing the picture of 4/27 Aunt Shell in four states at one time. It kind looked like child abuse stretching her in the sun to get the photo. Anybody remember Twister??


  4. 4/27/62 very early in the morning. That is the farthest back I can remember. Grandpa L (Ed) was carrying me out of my house.

    That is why I know about 4/27 Aunt Shell. I know she was born later. Pat was 62.

  5. Ah, yes, those wild & crazy days before there were car seats ... I even remember hearing about something called a "car bed" ... amazing I survived!

    THANKS, Cousin Frank, for those memories of my own visit to the 4 corners ... I have to believe those early years of travel when Dad was in the Army contributed to my life's desire to travel, and travel more, and travel again and again.

    Hope all is well in MI (and you waved to Christopher as he zoomed by last week!) - Love, "Aunt Shell"

    P.S. Methinks the Travelling Chank's are too busy sightseeing in Cali-forn-i-a to post up to the blog, so thanks for entertaining us with your posts (its so very nice to hear from you!).

  6. P.S. - again! After a call from my Dad ("Where are they?!"), I quickly consulted Chris' actual itinerary file, and I know where they are! :)

    The Travelling Chank's are deep in Yosemite (the lucky bunch!) and so we can hope to be DAZZLED with fabulous photographs again very soon as they return to civilization to explore the city of LA via the GORGEOUS Pacific Coast highway. I don't sound a little ENVIOUS do I?! :)

    (Hey Frank - I am so glad Tricia got the link I sent! Please let me know if you guys are up on Facebook - - I'm a new Facebook'er and am so enjoying connecting up with family & friends!)

  7. The Chanks are back in civilization!!!
