Monday, July 19, 2010

(W)Hoover Dam, Who Knew?

Unexpectedly, as we were minding our own business driving out of Nevada, we found ourselves on top of the Hoover Dam (hadn't done my homework on that one...)

Can you guess who had to open their roof container?

A big regret now, 9 hours later, is that I did not stop to take a wide angle picture of the view off the Dam. We had a late start (10 am PDT - Emma has long since lost the title of "best kid in the van" and needed her 13 hours of sleep) and an accident on the way out a Vegas slowed us down some more. Ah well, next cross country trip.

Shelly missed the welcome to Arizona the first time around so we pulled over for the redo.

This is the part of the dam we did see... (Note: not a single dam(n) joke on the page).

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