Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yellowstone Day #1


  1. Ah ... memories! I was in Yellowstone (via ID into MT and into west side of park) in October 2007, and visited some of the spots your photos captured. Isn't it amazing how vast yet varying the terrain can be? I'm glad to see the family has gone to short sleeves (it's still hot hot hot in this part of the country) and you're all still able to embrace. :) THANKS especially for the pictures of SNOW. Massively jealous!

  2. Tried to comment yestrday, will try again now.

  3. Cool -- opened a google account so now I can comment. Great pictures looks like all are still smiling.
    Hope the license plate project is proceeding well. FYI there was an ALASKA plate in your neighberhood last night.
    I'll be out of touch until sunday PM when we get back from the lake -- have fun.
    Congratulations on the job Chris!!!!!

  4. Thanks. Still missing Hawaii and Delaware. Crushing...
